Concretizing “progressive realization”- A new perspective on assessing the state fulfillment on econ
ABSTRACT: There is a growing demand for a widely vetted and broadly accepted indicator to measure achievements in the progressive...
香港中英法律文本-仍待商榷的「同等真確」 An Authentic Principle yet to be Authenticated: The Equal Legal Authenticity of
序言: 香港法律中英文本「同等真確」之法定原則 自殖民年代,香港一直沿用普通法,縱使回歸後,基本法亦保障原有法律制度依舊不變。[1]普通法始於英國,傳統固以英語運作,但香港人的母語是中文,早在英殖時期已不斷有爭取中文為法定語文的運動發生,直至1989年,香港首條同時以中、...
Latecomer and Pioneer: The Prospect of Constructing a Fair Online Copyright Regime in Hong Kong by T
ABSTRACT: It has been propounded that Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are neutral messengers for internet users’ expressions and thus...
Does greater compliance with the Rule of Law make a Legal System better?
Introduction When people say something is “better”, they could mean different things. In arguing whether greater compliance with rule of...
Might we have a moral duty not to obey the law?
Introduction (Abstract) How the law interacts with our moral judgment in deciding whether and how to act is a topic that sparks much...
Is Civil Disobedience ever justified and still effective: Through the Lens of the Umbrella Movement
Introduction At first glance, ‘Occupy Central’ is not at all unfamiliar as it bears some resemblance with the renowned ‘Occupy Wall...
The Application of Proportionality Test in Hong Kong Public Law
Introduction Legal scholars such as Paul Craig and Tom Hickman disagree on whether the proportionality test should be applicable to every...
The HKU injunction reimagined: Press freedom protection in confidentiality cases
Introduction Albert Camus once wrote, “a free press can of course be good or bad, but most certainly without freedom the press will never...
Hong Kong Court’s role in judicial review of legislative process: reassessing the Hong Kong jurispru
Introduction The doctrine of separation of powers and the rule of law are core values in many modern jurisdictions, such as the United...
The Paradox of Libel in Fiction
Introduction Fiction, as opposed to non-fiction, does not purport to put forth the bulk of propositions expressed as true, or at least as...